Synopsis A former European actor Don Martin has retired with his disjointed "family" to his own private island, "The Paradise." After a few years, the entire group has disintegrated into shameless, selfish and dishonest personalities. The only thing keeping them together is the promise of a treasure being kept by Don Martin that will provide them all with enough riches to escape this little hell. However, Don Martin has disintegrated mentally. Is there a treasure? Is there a murderer in their midst?A former European actor Don Martin has retired with his disjointed "family" to his own private island, "The Paradise." After a few years, the entire group has disintegrated into shameless, selfish and dishonest personalities. The only thing keeping them together is the promise of a treasure being kept by Don Martin that will provide them all with enough riches to escape this little hell. However, Don Martin has disintegrated mentally. Is there a treasure? Is there a murderer in their midst?