The Time Bomb - The Green Hornet S1 E5

5 1 The Green Hornet SUBSCRIPTION

Unrated 19401940-01-01T00:00:00 1940-01-01T00:00:00 22 minsPT0H22M SUBSCRIPTION

Synopsis Our hero Britt Reid, determined to smash the stolen car racket, allows his car to be taken form a parking lot he suspects, then trails it to the Meadows Garage where it mysteriously vanishes. Reid recognizes one of the garage mechanics as Pete, a racketeer formerly with the flying school; and that night, as the Green Hornet, he visits the garage to question Pete. Pete, alarmed at the sight of the Hornet makes a dash to escape. In his "Black Beauty" driven by Kato, the Hornet pursues Pete's car. Will he be able to overtake Pete and get the information he needs?

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