Synopsis Kate and her nine-year-old daughter Beth have started a new life in an old farmhouse surrounded by a forest outside of a small town. Kate hopes this new beginning will shield her daughter from their horrible past: Her husband Brad was convicted of murdering a young girl, based largely on Kate's testimony. One day her police handler Hal arrives with disturbing news: Her husband Brad has killed himself in prison, leaving only a cryptic suicide note: Kate, I know why you did it. Kate tries desperately to remain in control as she attempts to take care of her daughter and cope with the flood of emotions dealing with her husband's death. But Kate is pushed to the brink when a mysterious couple invade their farmhouse demanding the truth in exchange for Beth's safety. They want Kate to admit that it was she, not her husband, who killed their young daughter. Kate must decide how far she'll go to save her child.
Studio: Studio Dome
Genres: Thriller