Synopsis The main show on this DVD, recorded at Krakow TV Studio, is accompanied by two bonus gigs: their performance at Metalmania 2003 and the gig they played supporting Slipknot and Metallica. Track List: Intro1 / Epitaph, Torch of War, Xeper, Carnal, Reign Forever World, Intro 2 / Breath of Centuries, Silent Empire, Black to the Blind, Intro 3 / Revelations of Black Moses, North, Nomad, Sothis, Raining Blood. Bonus video: Metalmania 2003: Intro, Xeper, Epitaph, Cold Demon, Nomad, Wings, Vicious Circle. Supporting Slipknot and Metallica: Sothis, Crucified Ones, Epitaph, Wings, Xeper, Carnal.
Studio: MVD Visual